Restore Your Healthy Gut Microbiome and Improve Your Longevity!

By: Our Team


Meet our new partner, Floré.

Floré is a cutting- edge company that we chose to partner with to improve patient outcomes with stool tests that help determine what “your gut microbiome” has and what it is missing. A healthy gut microbiome is linked to longevity. An unhealthy gut microbiome has been shown to lead to various diseases. Floré uses the data from your stool sample to determine and create individually customized probiotics and prebiotics for each patient.

These stool tests show specifically what is needed for each individual, enabling us to take a root-cause medicine approach to determine what’s causing gut dysbiosis. This can be a game changer in patient outcomes, supporting your lifelong health and wellness.

Hippocrates stated, “ All disease begins in the gut,” and research to this day shows that Gut Dysbiosis is linked to many diseases. A gut with diverse bacteria is a healthy gut; a gut with a loss of diversity leads to disease.

Come see us at Vitality Health and Wellness to restore your healthy gut Microbiome and improve your longevity!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.