Hair Restoration | Toledo, OH*

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Vitality provides solutions for non-invasive, non-traumatic options to address the market’s growing hair loss concerns with the Alma TED Hair Restoration device. Above shows before and after photos of a student-athlete, who was experiencing thinning and shedding of hair, underwent 3 treatments at Vitality Health and Wellness. Not only did he notice a difference, but his friends and family around him did too.

TED: Before and After



Hair Restoration | Toledo, OH

Vitality provides solutions for non-invasive, non-traumatic options to address the market’s growing hair loss concerns with the Alma TED Hair Restoration device.  Above shows before and after photos of a student-athlete, who was experiencing thinning and shedding of hair, underwent 3 treatments at Vitality Health and Wellness. Not only did he notice a difference, but his friends and family around him did too.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.