Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy - 41 year old Female - Toledo, OH*

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A female patient in her early 40s had undergone bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, along with lifestyle changes and peptide therapy. She lost over 60 pounds during the course of her treatment. While weight loss was not her initial goal, she sought treatment after experiencing sleep issues, memory problems, low energy, and other "normal signs of aging." This patient returns to Vitality Health and Wellness Center every three months for a repeat pellet procedure. Dr. William James performs the procedure at Vitality in Toledo, OH.

Weight Loss - Toledo, OH



BHRT/Weight Loss - Toledo, OH

A female patient in her early 40s had undergone bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, along with lifestyle changes and peptide therapy. She lost over 60 pounds during the course of her treatment. While weight loss was not her initial goal, she sought treatment after experiencing sleep issues, memory problems, low energy, and other "normal signs of aging."

This patient returns to Vitality Health and Wellness Center every three months for a repeat pellet procedure. Dr. William James performs the procedure at Vitality in Toledo, OH. 

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.